L.E.A.R.N. Inc. is the largest, African-American, evangelical pro-life ministry in the United States. We are a network of life affirming pro-family advocates who work to ensure the survival of all races of people, and improve our quality of life without sacrificing our children. LEARN welcomes into the network all communities who support Christian values and share our passion.

National Director

Asst. National Director
Founder/Director of LEARN Northeast





Board Member

Board Member

Board Member

Board Member

Founding Member
In Memory of Rev. Dr. Eugene P. Pack

The Rev. Dr. Eugene Pack has passed into life eternal. The humble servant and minister, affectionately known as “Gene,” had a very warm smile and an uplifting spirit. He and his wife Dr. Juluette Barlett Pack, PhD were among the co-founders of Life Education And Resource Network, Inc. (LEARN, Inc.) and with Akua Furlow they hosted the first national Black Pro-Life Strategic Planning Conference in Houston, TX in 1993.
Celebration of Life service for Rev. Dr. Eugene P. Pack was held Saturday February 12, 2022 at Majestic Christian Center, 3512 McLean Rd., Pearland, TX 77584. Burial was on Monday February 14th at Veterans Cemetery in Houston TX.
In Memory of Dr. Noreen Johnson

One of the founders of LEARN, Inc., Dr. Noreen Johnson, OBGYN, has passed. She was a compassionate Christian physician who treated women, provided prenatal care for expecting mothers and delivered their children.
Please pray for her husband, Dr. Haywood Robinson, MD and family. The Memorial Service for Noreen was held on 9/11, a date of grief, prayer and resolve for the people of this nation.
At the family's request, in lieu of flowers, many honored her with a donation to LEARN, Inc.
"Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints." -Psalm 116:15 KJV